Becoming a member

Did you enjoy the try out practice(s) and do you want to join the club? Become a member by filling in this form. By becoming a member, you have to pay a fee. The fees for members are:

  • €160 per year (non-student members)
  • €25 per semester (students)

These fees cover training/practice cost but NOT competitions and tournaments. The year contains 3 competition seasons. Each competition season you join will cost you €20.

We train twice a week all year round. During Winter season we also have a weekly indoor training session.

The frisbee year runs from September 1st till August 31st. You can register for half a year as well, with the year being separated at the first of March. Please contact the board via for special cases. Our Articles of Association(statuten) can be found here.

People with a low income can get a ‘meedoen bijdrage’ from Gemeente Eindhoven. More information can be found on this website.